Priase for Steve Wangh’s Teaching
“There are many people who teach Grotowski’s work, but none do it in such clear, direct, expansive and still provocative and appropriately mysterious way as Steve Wangh…. One sees him completely present and attentive to the actor. In his responses to students, he speaks with total support and respect in such a way that actually honors the students in their process.”
“In Steve’s classes I saw people change on a daily basis right before my eyes. In many cases it was unbelievable… to see someone who hated their voice, sing with freedom or see someone who was afraid of their body, dance with joy. Steve pushed us in directions none of us ever thought we could go. His wisdom and knowledge always encouraged us to keep going.”
“Steve is a gifted teacher. I looked forward to Steve’s acting class like you look forward to the high dive in the dog days of summer; beyond the fear was a certain ecstasy. He made you go places you were afraid to go, luring you with his faith in the work.”
“Steve’s total commitment to the forms, combined with a love of pushing any and all boundaries, inspires his students to actively explore new and frightening territory…He is incredibly adept at reading the language of the body and voice, at knowing when someone needs to be pushed, challenged, coaxed or praised, regardless of what the student “thinks” they need in that moment. No one, no matter what their age, nationality or level of training, has ever encountered an instructor like Steve before.””
“Steve did more for me in a couple of weeks than I can express in words…. Steve
brought the fun back into the acting work and made me realize that this was work as well. He taught me how to teach myself and gave me a sense of confidence with my work. It is because of him that I can approach my craft and future with excitement and zeal.”
brought the fun back into the acting work and made me realize that this was work as well. He taught me how to teach myself and gave me a sense of confidence with my work. It is because of him that I can approach my craft and future with excitement and zeal.”
Actors and Teachers Review the Acrobat of the Heart Video
“The Acrobat of the Heart video is a comprehensive experiential journey that will release your bravest creative impulses and give you concrete skills to develop your imagination with application to all forms of performance and more. I recommend this to educators and artists interested in learning more about Grotowski-oriented approaches to acting.”
“I am so happy this video exists. As a former student, I can turn to this when I want to nurture my own artistic growth in the work, and as a teacher I can use it as a touchstone to ground myself in the classroom. This truly is an invaluable resource.”
“This video is a perfect training companion for the artist or teacher. I myself will use it to show my students multiple examples of how to interpret a given exercise – which drives home the inquiry-based nature of the work.”
“The level of self-examination and personal commitment to adventure with one’s very identity that this video documents is extraordinary. The video allows one to peer into the actual environment that Steve creates with and for this work to happen.”
“Having such an extensive video guide has allowed me to restart my work in the technique and has rekindled my desire to grow deeper in the practices of the Corporals, Plastiques, and everything Grotowski and Steve have to offer!”